Hi there, I'm
Adam Schreck
Actor / Writer / Comedian

About Me
Hi there, I'm Adam Schreck - an actor, writer, and comedian based in Chicago, IL. I'm an alumnus of The Second City Mainstage, writing and performing in two acclaimed revues: Do You Believe in Madness? and Together At Last. I've also had the privilege of writing multiple theatricals for The Second City including two partnerships with The John F. Kennedy Center for The Performing Arts.
Elsewhere, I can be found at numerous venues throughout the city including iO, The Annoyance, and, most frequently, my living room where I currently perform up to 35 shows a day for my wonderful son and daughter, my most adoring fans and harshest critics.
Originally from Pittsburgh, I firmly believe that Ketchup belongs on a Hot Dog , "Yinz" is the only acceptable way to abbreviate "You All," and despite what their record and talents would indicate, the Pirates are the best team in baseball. Thanks for visiting my website, n'at!